Friday, August 3, 2018

On the Fact that Hollywood Leftists Have Become Politically Correct About Pretty Much Everything...……...Except for Having Sex with Kids - They'll Joke (and Tweet) About that 'til the Cows Come Home

I'm a free-speech absolutist and so these low-brow degenerate morons can Tweet whatever they want, but for them to not expect any pushback from people when they've proceeded to publish some of the nastiest shit imaginable is sheer stupidity and I say let these creeps (Michael Ian Black, Sarah Silverman, James Gunn, etc.) marinate in their own stew for a while...…………………………………………………………………………………P.S. And, no, the fact they've tried to weasel out of this self-imposed predicament by calling these Tweets, "jokes", really doesn't help them in that a) raping children - not funny and b) an excessive paucity of punch-lines. But, hey, an A for effort, I guess.

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