Wednesday, August 8, 2018

On Connecticut's Dirt-Bag Boy Senator, Chris Murphy, Applauding the Banning of Alex Jones, Asserting that it's Just the Beginning, and Proclaiming that the Future of America's Democracy Depends Upon it

First off we're a republic and not a democracy so he's a moron on that point alone. But beyond that, can't you see what this clown and his boot-lickers in the legacy media are doing? They're trying to silence any and all dissenting opinions that push back on the establishment's narrative and, trust me here, these shits will not be satisfied until the only views that you do hear are those that come from MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times, The Washington Post (a rump outfit that does business with the C.I.A. and who employs one of the sleaziest scum-bags in Washington, John Podesta), the Boston Globe, the L.A. Times, the Huffington Post, the Chicago Tribune, PBS, etc...………..'cause as we're all aware by now, that's the real collusion. 

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