Tuesday, July 17, 2018

On Whether I Trust Putin More than I Do America's Police and Surveillance State

First off, I don't trust any government but if I had to choose between Putin and the deep-state monsters who gave us Operation Mockingbird, the Shah of Iran, Operation Chaos, the murder of Lumumba, the Gulf of Tonkin, the murder of Diem, the secret war in Cambodia, multiple coups in Laos, MK-Ultra, the surveillance of Martin Luther King, WMD, the murder of Gadhafi, the overthrow of countless other governments (Guatemala, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Brazil, Indonesia, Chile, etc.), the arming of terrorists in Syria, the coverup of the U.S.S. Liberty, Vault 7, waterboarding and other forms of torture, secret drone wars, etc., yeah, I just might have to go with the bear on this one, folks. Sorry, anti-Trumpers.

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