Wednesday, July 18, 2018

On this Warped Notion that Russia Is Now Our Enemy

It is pure insanity and based on a lie; this ludicrous assertion that a) Trump colluded with Putin (something that even Diane Feinstein has claimed no evidence for) and b) the Russians hacked into the DNC computer and gave the emails to Wikileaks (something that could not have happened in that as Bill Binney and Ray McGovern have proven the download speed was far too rapid for those packets to have gone over the internet while it was the perfect speed for them to have been downloaded onto a unless the Russians had a spy in the DNC it had to have been an inside effort - perhaps a Sanders supporter who was pissed that his candidate had taken it hard up the ass)……………………………………………………………………………………….And what is up with these leftists and Russia all of a sudden; going from making sport of Romney for his dumb Russia comment, selling off 20% of America's uranium capacity to these Russians, and Obama telling Medvedev that he'd have lots more flexibility after the 2014 election to engaging in a hysteria that would have made McCarthy blush (and I don't mean to insult McCarthy in that as the Venona Papers have shown us, the dude was largely right). I mean, they can't hate Trump that much, can they?

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