Tuesday, July 24, 2018

On Oliver Darcy and the Rest of Those CNN Low-Lifes Trying to Petition Facebook, YouTube, and Other Social-Media Outlets to De-Platform InfoWars and Numerous Other Independent News Sources

While I can't say that I'm a big Alex Jones fan, either (I initially found him amusing but trying to set the world-record for interruptions on a nightly basis gets stale quickly), to try and assert that he's appreciably worse than CNN and MSNBC is ludicrous. And isn't is obvious what's going on here? The fact of the matter is that these legacy schmucks are bleeding viewers on a daily basis to these upstarts and instead of trying to compete fair and square with them they've decided to flax their corporate muscles and see if they can destroy 'em. It's noxious and bald-faced cronyism and I will never personally tune them in again. EVER. 

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