Wednesday, July 18, 2018

On the Fact that (According to Ryan Enos's Groundbreaking 2014 Paper, "Causal Effects of Intergroup Contact On Exclusionary Attitudes" and His 2017 Book, "The Space Between Us") as Affluent Liberals from Racially, Linguistically, and Ethnically Homogenous Neighborhoods Become More and More Exposed to People from Different Cultures, They Start to Develop a More Exclusionary Attitude and Begin Favoring Such Policies as Restrictive Immigration and the Deportation of Illegals

So in other words, once a person has to deal with multiculturalism closeup and not as some virtue-signaling abstraction, they tend not to like it so much......and being that they can't just pack up and move away like George Clooney recently did in England, their only option is to vote differently...….Hmm, so maybe the Republican party won't shit the bed after all. Interesting.

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