Monday, July 23, 2018

On Deep-State MVP, Robert Mueller, Indicting 12 Russian Ham Sandwiches for Hacking Into the DNC Computers......WITHOUT HAVING EXAMINED THE FUCKING SERVERS!!!!!

Yeah, this is rapidly becoming theater of the absurd. a) These bozos will never set foot on U.S. soil, b) none of our intelligence agencies have ever examined the key evidence, c) none of these potatoes has a connection to a single American (never mind to President Trump), and d) the evidence is overwhelming that this DNC security breach wasn't a hack at all but rather a download onto a thumb-drive (please, please, listen to Ray McGovern and William Binney - neither one a Trump partisan - on this subject and get educated). In fact, I'm half-expecting those two hobos from "Waiting for Godot" to spring out on to the screen any time now......but with characters like Anderson Cooper and Chris Hayes already there it probably isn't necessary, is it?

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