Tuesday, June 12, 2018

On the Fact that a Truly Oppressed Population Wouldn't Have -

a) every textbook in every school system spitting out a narrative of their supposed oppression, b) a radical affirmative action policy which has given them a massive advantage over their oppressors when it comes to college admissions, municipal hiring, government set-asides, etc., c) an entitlement milieu in which they receive a hugely disproportionate percentage of the transfer payments (per capita) and d) a societal crime situation in which they're 1/27th as likely to be violently attacked by their oppressors as vice versa. Not in any sort of sane and logical world, at least...………………………………………………………………………………….P.S. And, yes, this is coming from somebody who was down with the "cause" his entire life and who has simply had it up to his eyeballs with folks like Obama infusing racial consciousness into every microcosm of life, with slimy outfits like Antifa and Black Lives Matter denigrating whites to a self-parodying degree, and with everybody and their brother putting their heads in the sand with what is plainly happening in Europe and South Africa...….Just to be clear. 

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