Sunday, June 17, 2018

On the Fact that if Any Other World Leader Sang Some Horrid Song About Murdering a Minority Group, the West Would Be In an Uproar and Would at Least Explore the Possibility of Granting this Minority Group Refugee Status......but Being that the World Leader In this Instance Is a Black African and the Minority Group a Bunch of White Folks, Pure and Deafening Silence Is all that We Hear

I guess that Western leaders have no choice (politically, I'm saying) in that if they were to acknowledge these atrocities they would then have to admit that this whole rainbow-nation concept has been a colossal failure...……...and to them that would clearly be bridge too far...………………………………………………………………………………..P.S. And can you even conceive of a population that is better equipped to seamlessly integrate into America society than these Boer farmers? I certainly can't think of one.

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