Thursday, June 14, 2018

On the Fact that Hard-Leftists Like the Insufferable John Oliver Have Apparently Decided to Throw Hugo Chavez Under the Bus In Some Pathetic Effort to Salvage Socialism from the Scrapheaps of History (You Know, that Whole Thing Where You Blame the Ruler and Not the System - as if Socialism Has Ever Put Forth a Knowledgeable, Competent, and Beneficent Ruler)

And please keep in mind that these are a lot of the same assholes who had been praising Chavez just prior to this most predictable of collapses. Fair-weather friends, indeed...……………………………………………………………………………………..P.S. And, yes, I really wish that they'd stop bringing up these Scandinavian countries as proof that Socialism works. a) Sweden built up it's wealth in the decades prior to socialism and ultimately had to reduce the size of its government in the '90s to salvage its system, b) Norway has massive amounts of oil that it is sharing amongst a small and exceedingly homogenous population, and c) Denmark actually scored higher then the U.S.A. on the Fraser Institute's ranking of economic freedom...….Bottom line, these are mixed economies at most.  

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