Wednesday, June 6, 2018

On the Fact that Even Though Africa Was a Continent with a) More than 2,000 Different Languages and b) a History of Intergroup Enmity that Was Longer and Even More Virulent that the One Between Germany and France, the Departing Colonial Europeans of the 20th Century Somehow Thought that These Artificially Concocted Countries that THEY Created Would Suddenly Morph Into Enlightened Democracies, as Opposed to What Truly Materialized; Communist Schemes, Buffoonish Dictatorships, Absurd Levels of Corruption, Constant Blood-Letting, etc.

I'll take, "Shit that Inevitably Happens When Hubris, Piety, and Naivete Reach Their Apex Simultaneously", for a thousand, Alex...……………………………………………………………………………...P.S. Joking aside, it is of course easy now to proclaim that White Europeans should have never bothered with Africa (save for possibly some trading) but being that colonizing is a universal trait of not just all human groups but all species, it is really hard to envision history playing out any different (that and since the Europeans brought infrastructure, advanced agriculture, technology, medicine, etc. to the African continent maybe it wasn't the worst thing for blacks, I'm just sayin'). 

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