Saturday, May 26, 2018

On the Fact that Even Though Those Esteemed Philosopher High-Priests Over at Vox (and by, Esteemed Philosopher High-Priests, I of Course Mean, Low-Brow Sophists Who if They Didn't Have Bromides to Spout Would Fall Totally Mute) Have Now Admitted that Trump Was Talking About MS-13 with that Animals Line and Not About Mexican Immigrants In General, Instead of Apologizing and Moving On, They've Decided to Double-Down and Hammer Trump for Dehumanizing These Poor Bastards

Yeah, they apparently believe that by talking this way, Mr. Trump is providing some subliminal message to his vast army of white supremacist supporters that it's perfectly acceptable to go out and slaughter Hispanics (I guess)…...and possibly even minorities in general. Seriously, this is what they believe...……………………………………………………………………...P.S. And it isn't just the absurdity of their reasoning that's a problem here...….in that in addition to that you have the absolute lack of consistency regarding the application of it; the fact that they never blitzed Hillary for calling black criminals "super-predators", for making that moronic and demeaning Gandhi joke, or for labeling 25% of the country "deplorable"...….And they certainly didn't take Black Lives Matter to task for proclaiming that cops were "pigs" (talk about dehumanizing) and that they should be "fried up like bacon". But whatever.

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