Friday, May 18, 2018

On the Fact that Even Though Anybody with an IQ Comparable to that of Ground Chuck Could Have Easily Ascertained that Mr. Trump Was Referring to MS-13 When He Put Forth the Term, Animals, and NOT to Immigrants In General (Just Like When Hillary Used the Phrase, Super-Predators, to Describe Black Gang Criminals and Not All Blacks), All of the Usual Suspects (Leftist Democratic Politicians, Lowbrow Media Outlets Like Salon and Vox, etc.) Are Trying to Convince Us Otherwise In What Is a Patently Obvious Try to Further Their Narrative that Trump Is Some Sort of KKK Hitlerite

 It never fucking ends; the scrutiny, the pettiness. And like I said before, there are legitimate criticisms but this shit is just making fair-minded people angry and alienated...….Yeah, like they care.

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