Sunday, May 20, 2018

On the Fact that the Anti-McCarthy Hysteria (Everyone from the Gonzo Reporter, Drew Pearson, to President Eisenhower Himself Joined the Bum's-Rush) Got so Great In 1953 that They Even Attempted to Portray McCarthy Associate, J.B. Matthews, as Some Sort of Anti-Protestant Bigot Whose Ultimate Goal Was to Stain Every Protestant Minister In the U.S. as a Communist Collaborator (Never Minding the Fact that Matthews Wasn't Just a Protestant Himself BUT A FORMER METHODIST MINISTER!!!)

It was one of the greatest smears in American political history (the harsh fact is that Matthews bent over backwards to point out that the vast majority of Protestant pastors were good, decent, patriotic Americans but that apparently wasn't enough for the haters) and the fact that the court historians are still spewing this bullshit narrative is unconscionable (though, no, not surprising).

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