Thursday, April 5, 2018

On When it Fully Crystalized to Me that CNN Had Devolved Into Little More than a Low-Brow Propagandist Hangout for the Democratic Party and the Deep State

Yeah, I think that the tipping-point for me was when that miscreant, Chris Cuomo, went on the air and tried to tell his audience that it was illegal for them to read the Wikileaks emails (you know, the ones that showed just how extensive that the DNC corruption was; the cheating of Bernie Sanders, Clinton's collusion with the media, etc.) and that they had to rely on him to tell them what was in them.......If I was forced to choose, that is (the other solid contender of course being when they had that former Obama official and C.I.A. employee on to downplay the horrifying implications of Vault 7).

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