Thursday, April 26, 2018

On the Fact that Muslim Moderate/Reformer, Maajid Nawaz, Is Suing the Southern Poverty Law Center for Their Disgusting Decision to Place Mr. Nawaz On Their Anti-Muslim Extremist List

And yes, I hope that he takes every penny from these venom-laced cock-suckers to the point where even douche-bag Soros can't rescue their asses. I mean, talk about propelling the envelope too far (trying to slander a decent and sober man whose only "crime" has been to try and deliver his faith towards some semblance of modernity, THEY FINALLY DID IT!!.....................................................................................................................And how 'bout the irony, folks? These morons bend over backwards trying not to offend Islam and BOOM, they get sued by a man who is probably one of the sanest Muslims on the planet. So rich!!

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