Wednesday, April 4, 2018

On the Fact that (According to Thomas Sowell's New Book, "Discrimination and Disparities") the I.R.S. Tracked the Top 400 Income Earners In the U.S.A. for 23 Years and it Turned Out that 4,584 Different People Comprised Those Slots During that Period

Yeah, this one of the things that the left does that drives me crazy. They see these income categories as these immutable things where rich folks are ALWAYS getting richer when in fact the categories change from year to year, decade to decade, etc.. And the strong likelihood is that this turnover would be even more huge if the government stopped fucking things up with minimum wage laws, stupid regulations, civil asset forfeiture, eminent domain, dumb occupational licensing requirements, government monopolies in education, etc., etc..............If only, huh?

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