Tuesday, February 20, 2018

On the Fact that that Pissant British Rag, "The Guardian", Recently Referred to Jordan Peterson as a "Right-Winger" (this, Right On the Heels of a Lowbrow American Web-Site, "Slate", Having Called the Dude an "Alt-Right Hero")

This is so exemplary of the left these days; taking an individual whose only sin is that they haven't purchased hook, line, and sinker their bullshit narrative and then attempting to label them in some sinister manner (alt-right being the latest boogie-man title). Granted, it isn't always as blatant as this (the fact that any sane individual who listens to Peterson can fathom immediately that this is a fellow who fully transcends the whole left-right paradigm and that if you had to label him it would be "classical liberal" and not any of these other idiotic markers) but when you examine the cumulative effects of this shit, yeah, it's nasty.

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