Wednesday, February 21, 2018

On the Fact that the Mythical Country of Wakanda In the Film "The Black Panther" Is a) Anti-Immigration, b) Isolationist, c) Pro-Wall, d) Anti-Free-Trade, e) Anti-Diversity, f) Ethno-Nationalistic, g) Anti-Refugee, h) Anti-Democracy, and i) Extremely Traditionalistic

So they're a bunch of black Richard Spencers, Michael Enochs, and David Dukes, in other words. How's THAT for irony?............................................................................................P.S. And, no, idiots like Mark Lamont Hill and Melissa Harris Perry can't say that these folks can't be racist because they don't have sufficient institutional power in that they clearly have every fucking speck of it!!......Try though they may.

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