Saturday, January 27, 2018

On the Fact that Tom Hanks Is Supposedly Despondent Over the Fact that a Spate of Neo-Nazis Showed Up In Charlottesville Last Month (He Cannot Fathom that He Lives In a Country Where that Is Taking Place)

Fair point. I just wonder if Mr. Hanks is equally upset that he also lives in a country where people can get beaten to a pulp for wearing the wrong attire (a Trump hat, say), where students riot on college campuses and shut down speeches by folks who they disagree with (even thoughtful and measured people like Christina Hoff Sommers, Heather MacDonald, and Warren Farrell), where basement dwelling idiots with masks go around carrying communist flags (a philosophy that has murdered over 100,000,000 people) and espouse a Venezuelan approach to the economy, where Black Lives Matter degenerates go around spouting such vile sentiments as, "What do we want, dead cops, when do we want them, now" and "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon", etc., etc.. I certainly hope that he is in that unlike a lot of the other douche-bags out there on the West coast, he seems like a decent fellow.

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