Saturday, January 20, 2018

. On the Fact that Even Though the British Would Have Come to the Aid of France (Circa 1914) Regardless of What the Germans May Have Done In Belgium (Which In Truth Was a but a Tiny Fraction of What the Brits Had Asserted), it Was this German Violation of Belgian Neutrality that the British Most Emphasized During Their 24/7 Propaganda Campaign to Justify Their Own War-Mongering, Attempts to Lure the U.S. Into the Quagmire, etc.

And then the Brits wondered why the American people turned against them for the better part of a decade after the conflict (though, no, not long enough to prevent us from falling from a fresh, even more robust onslaught of propaganda circa 1939 and '40). Unreal, this level of British stupidity.


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