Friday, December 8, 2017

On the Serbian Military Coup of June, 1903

It was one of the most savage in modern European history but the most tragic element was that it replaced a relatively pro-Austrian regime with a virulently hostile and pro-Russian cabal that heightened tensions in the Balkans to a level where Austria-Hungary and Germany literally felt surrounded (by England in the North Sea, by France to the West, by Russia to the East,and by Serbia to the South).......And we all know how that turned out...............................................................................................P.S. And, no, this is not in any way meant to exonerate Austria-Hungary and Germany from the cataclysm that followed in that they certainly played a huge role......but, I'm sorry, when you examine the fact that a) Josef and Ferdinand had prior to the war made serious proposals to the Bosnians, Herzegovinians, etc. and b) the Serbs themselves had been harboring imperialist notions of their own, let's just say that there was sufficient blame to go around.

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