Friday, December 22, 2017

On the Fact that the U.S. Government Sentenced Eugene V. Debs to a Decade In a Federal Penitentiary (Circa 1918) Simply for Condemning Wilson's Moronic and Unnecessary War at One of His Rallies (In Which There Was No Call to Violence and None Materializing)

I'm just gonna say it straight up. America under Woodrow Wilson was essentially a country under lock-down (with Debs hardly being the only person locked up for "wrong think") and we must never, ever, return to such a fascistic period again. NEVER!...............................................................................................P.S. It also must be pointed out that when Debs's case reached the Supreme Court (spearheaded by the much heralded liberal justice, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.), HE LOST! Yeah, that's right, the Supreme Court seemingly couldn't find anything in the Constitution which prohibited the government from rounding people up simply for voicing their opinions, having them rot in prison as a punishment, etc.. Unbelievable, huh?

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