Saturday, December 16, 2017

On the Fact that the Democratic Party Has Gone from the Party of Grover Cleveland, Al Smith, William Jennings Bryan, Jack and Bobby Kennedy, Martin Dies, Ed Koch, Richard Daley, William Proxmire, etc. to a Party that Just Came Within a Particle of Nominating a Crackpot Socialist to Be its Presidential Candidate

People sometimes ask me why I've been so much harder on the Democrats of late (I'm not entirely certain that that's been the case in that I hammer the neocons on a fairly regular basis as well, but for the sake of argument......) and I suspect that it comes down to two issues; a) the fact that the left has gone fully off the deep-end (their opposition to free speech, propensity to violence, insanity regarding gender, etc.) and b) the fact that I once was a Democrat myself (for 30 years!!) and have taken it quite personally, this rapid and embarrassing descent. Hopefully the trajectory changes but at this point, who the fuck knows.

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