Wednesday, December 27, 2017

On the Fact that David Seaman (a YouTuber with Over 150,000 Subscriptions) Has Made Numerous Videos In Which He Has Pointedly Accused John Podesta of Raping Little Children and as of Yet Podesta Hasn't Sued the Dude

Perhaps Mr. Podesta simply doesn't want to deal with it (and trust me here, Mr. Seaman is far from the only person who's making these charges), sees it as "punching down", etc., but my suspicion is that he's more than likely attempting to avoid discovery and that he doesn't have any credible explanations for "playing dominoes on cheese or pizza", "a handkerchief with a pizza-related map on it", or why the White House would order $65,000 worth of pizza and hot dogs from Chicago when everybody with a pulse knows that all food eaten at the White House is prepared at the White House, etc........And, come on, would that be a entertaining trial to watch? 

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