Saturday, December 30, 2017

On the Claim by "Mother Jones" and "Newsweek" that White Men Perpetrate Most of the Mass Shootings In the U.S. ("Most" Meaning 54%)

Yeah, they were able to arrive at this piece of data (a conclusion that they obviously wanted) by conveniently excluding murders brought about through armed robberies and gang-oriented slayings (in that that would have skewed the data more towards black men) BUT EVEN OF YOU ACCEPT THEIR DATA, being that whites are the largest segment of the population, you would probably expect them to do the most of a whole lot of shit (drink more beer, watch more football, whatever!!), and AND if you look at the number of white mass shooters and compare them to the overall percentage of whites in the population (again, using THEIR statistics), whites commit disproportionately FEWER mass murders (a stat that's made even prominent by the fact that "Mother Jones" and "Newsweek" took their analysis all the way back to 1982 when whites were an even bigger percentage of the population than they are today).......Oh well, give 'em points for trying, I guess.

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