Saturday, November 25, 2017

On the Fact that During the Civil War, President Lincoln Proceeded to Suppress Some 300 Newspapers (Their Great Sin Being too Many Editorials Critical of Mr. Lincoln's War and the Fellow's Assault On Civil Liberties and the Constitution)

Can you imagine if Bush had done something like this post 9/11? The fella' would have been impeached and convicted and rightly so......but because it was the venerable and untouchable Abe Lincoln, the public either looks away or chooses to stay ignorant on the matter (a tip of the hat to government schools for this). Unreal...............................................................................................P.S. And, no, this is not an exoneration of Bush 2 at all in that this fellow, too, did great harm to the Republic with his draconian actions pertaining to foreign policy, civil liberties, etc.. I'm only making a comparison, THAT'S ALL.

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