Friday, October 6, 2017

On the Fact that (According to M. Stanton Evans's Shocking Book, "Blacklisted by History") Even Though the F.B.I. Had Given the Truman Justice and State Departments Copious Amounts of Hard Evidence that Alger Hiss Was a Soviet Spy and that Whitaker Chambers Had Been Fully Correct In His Assertions, it Was Chambers that the Truman Administration Proceeded to Not Just Discredit but Push an Indictment On (On Grounds of Perjury)

Yes, once the evidence was leaked to the public and there wasn't any way that Truman and his lackeys could continue with this charade, they ultimately did turn their guns towards Hiss but, I'm sorry, this does not speak well of Truman's character OR of his supposed anti-Communist bonafides. Not even a little.

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