Tuesday, September 26, 2017

On the Fact that Admiral Bobby Ray Inman and N.S.A. Official, Oliver Kirby, Both Testified In 2003 that the Israelis Unquestionably Knew that the U.S.S. Liberty (Circa 1967) Was an American Ship and Decided to Attack it Anyway (the Ultimate Goal Apparently Being to Kill Every Sailor On the Vessel) - http://original.antiwar.com/mcgovern/2015/07/05/still-waiting-for-uss-libertys-truth/

 The feeling by some is that the Israelis had wanted to make it look like the Egyptians had perpetrated the deed (that's why they tried to murder everybody) in an effort to get the U.S. to attack Egypt (thereby doing their dirty work for them, much like we're doing it now in Iraq and Syria).......Some awesome ally, huh?  

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