Saturday, September 30, 2017

On All of Those Irritating Feminists Who Supported Hillary and Who Balled Their Eyes Out When the Nasty Bitch Lost

Yeah, I guess that you can saber-rattle 24/7 at Russia and Syria, screw the dirt-poor Haitians, threaten the Iranians with a nuclear strike, destabilize the Middle-East by deposing Gaddafi, transferring arms to terrorists, and selling weapons to the Saudis, contribute to an illegal coup in Ukraine, use an unencrypted server 100% of the time during your tenure as Secretary of State, approve the sale of 20% of the nation's Uranium to Russia (her husband getting $500,000 for a speech being part of the deal), hang out with human traffickers, etc. and as long as you're a Democratic woman who believes in abortion on demand and that thoroughly discredited 77 cents on the dollar malarkey, you will be supported by these people, the bottom-line.

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