Tuesday, June 20, 2017

On the Strong Likelihood that Those Who Still Accept the Official Explanation Relative to the Destruction of Building 7 on 9/11 Never Had a Set of Legos as a Youngster (Never Mind Understand Newtonian Physics; for Every Action There Is an Equal and Opposite Reaction, etc.))

'Cause if they did, they would understand that the only way in which a tall structure can symmetrically dive-bomb into its own footprint is if you seriously compromise the lower part of the structure first.......Some basic common sense, in other words.......................................................................................................P.S. And as for the airplane hitting the building and that causing the collapse, a) an aluminum plane cannot bring down a steel and concrete structure, b) the fire that resulted from the crash was a hydrocarbon fire and hence nowhere near hot enough to melt steel, and c) even if it did bring the structure down, it wouldn't have fallen symmetrically, at free-fall speed, and into its own footprint (it would have tipped over, in other words, and certainly not the whole thing), for Christ!......Legos, people, Legos!!     

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