Saturday, June 3, 2017

On the Group, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

I used to think that 9/11 truthers were bonkers and many of them clearly are (the no planes theorists, for example), but when you have over 1,500 architects and engineers telling you that the official explanation is bullshit, that's a hell of a lot more difficult to brush aside. And they do make a great many compelling points; a) the fact that all three buildings in Manhattan came down at free-fall or near free-fall speed, straight in to their own footprints, and in a symmetrical manner (something that could have only taken place with explosives), b) the fact that there was evidence of nano-thermite all throughout the rubble (a tell-tale sign of explosives), c) the fact that there were hundreds of witnesses (including media people) who claimed to have heard explosions, d) that fact that no high-rise structure had ever collapsed due to fire prior to 9/11, e) the fact that the fires in all three buildings were hydrocarbon-based, oxygen-starved, and nowhere near hot enough to create molten-steel (you could literally see it dripping down from the twin towers), f) the fact that the debris from the falling buildings was catapulted hundreds of feet outward (yet another signature of controlled demolitions), g) the fact that there were subtle signs of squibs happening well below where the planes had impacted and well below the fires, etc., etc......................................................................................................Look, I'm not saying that 9/11 was necessarily an "inside job" but at the very least there needs to be a much more thorough investigation than what the 9/11 Commission (the executive director of which had been on the Bush transition team and a member of his Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board) and N.I.S.T. gave us. THAT I will say.    

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