Saturday, May 13, 2017

On the Fact that Under Normal FAA, NMCC, and NORAD Procedures, Flight 11 (the First Airplane to Strike its Target on 9/11) Would Have Been Intercepted and Probably Shot Down No Later than 8:30 AM (the Fact that the Plane's Radio and Transponder Were Turned Off, the the Fact that the Plane Was Severely Off Course, the Fact that Several Flight-Attendants Had Reported by Telephone that the Plane In Fact HAD Been Hijacked, etc.), Well Before it Had Reached the Densely Populated Area of New York City

Wow, I guess that 9/11 wasn't a normal circumstance....Pity............................................................................................P.S. And, yes, the fact that they similarly didn't follow protocol for flights 175 and 77 when they had to have known the huge dangers at that point is even more inexcusable. I mean, it's almost as if they (and, yeah, I'm talking Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc.) wanted the planes to hit.......Wow, did I just say that?  

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