Friday, January 27, 2017

On the Idiotic Marc LaMont Hill Referring to the Black Celebrities Who Met with President Trump as "Mediocre Negroes"

His beef I guess is that fellows like Steve Harvey (who could buy and sell this slanthead, Hill, many times over but I digress) and Jim Brown are only celebrities and can't really add all that much substantive to the discussion. But where in the hell was he when Obama was meeting with folks like Angelina Jolie and Leonardo DiCaprio (now there's some mediocrity for ya') and listening to what THESE celebrities had to say? I don't seem to recall the dude (a mediocre piece of trash in his own right) saying all that much about it.................................................................................................P.S. And he obviously never saw Jim Brown toting the pigskin. Mediocre, my ass.

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