Monday, December 5, 2016

On the Fact that the Racism Charge Didn't Seem to Stick to Trump

Yeah, the left just cried wolf too many times (the fact that they said pretty much the same stuff about McCain, Romney, the Bushes, etc.) and the public has apparently had enough of 'em (being talked-down to and insulted by a bunch of overrated and insular academic schmucks and members of the corrupt political class tends to gets stale after awhile, I guess - whoda' thunk it?).....................................................................................................P.S. And, no, this isn't to say that Trump didn't say some over-the-top things (about that Mexican judge, Muslims as a whole, etc.) and/or strong-arm his positions, just that when you go to the well too many times you're bound to lose some credibility, that's all.

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