Friday, December 2, 2016

On the Fact that Abraham Lincoln Was a Lifelong Member of the Yankee Founded, American Colonization Society (and by Lifelong, I Mean, Right Up to His Last Dying Breath; the Smoking Gun Being the Documented Works of Historians, Philip Magness and Lerone Bennet)

Even by 19th Century Standards, Lincoln was a virulent white supremacist who literally wanted to gather up every freed slave and dump them into Africa (a cultural situation that they had absolutely nothing in common with after multiple centuries in America) and the fact that there are still folks from across the political spectrum (from neocons to progressives) who not only accept him but champion him is perplexing to say the least..........................................................................................................P.S. And no, it wasn't just this fact that led me to the above conclusion. I site also a) the plethora of racist sentiments that the man uttered over the years, b) the fact that his 1861 inaugural was essentially a "slavery forever" missive, and c) the fact that his Emancipation Proclamation didn't free a single slave and was penned primarily as a military strategy (its main goal of course being to incite a slave insurrection).......Seriously, if you want to remove somebody from the currency and use Harriet Tubman in that person's stead, look no further, people. Look no further.

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