Saturday, December 17, 2016

On Being Called by a Small Regiment of Mental Midgets and Lowbrow Leftists a Member of Something Called the "Alt-Right" (the Latest Slur that These Bozos Have Concocted for People Who They Disagree with, Fail to Comprehend, etc.)

Alright, let's look at the facts here. a) I didn't vote for Trump and was never even tempted to. b) I have criticized Trump countless times over the years and have actually stepped it up somewhat since the election (though, yes, I do find him somewhat more palatable than the serial country-ruiner, Hillary). c) I voted for Johnson for President and pulled the lever for only one Republican on my entire ballot (compare that to these leftist assholes who unquestionably voted straight Democrat down the line). d) I haven't voted Republican for President since 1988. And e) while I'm plainly not an expert on the alt-right (I can only name two dudes off the top of my head; Vox Day and Richard Spencer - neither of whom have impressed me very much), I DO know that I strongly disagree with them on trade and modestly disagree with them on immigration (foreign-policy-wise - we might line up; staying out of foreign entanglements, for example).............So, does that sound like an alt-right person to you?...Only if you're insane, correct?......................................................................................................P.S. And how do I define myself? First off, I would prefer not to but if compelled, I would go with what is stated at the top of my blog; fiscally conservative, socially tolerant, anti-war and add to that; a libertarian-leaning independent who champions free-speech and who eschews political correctness. Boom, done. 

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