Sunday, November 6, 2016

On the Fact that the Vulgar, Disturbed, and Palpably Low IQ Actress, Lena Dunham, Recently Stated that it Would Be a Good Thing if Straight White Males (You Know, Those Horrible Entities Who Gave the World Liberal Democracy, Constitutional Government, Economic Liberalization, the Rule of Law, Private Property Rights, too Many Inventions to Count, and Who, While They Certainly Participated in Slavery, Were the First Folks to Eliminate it) Became Extinct

Fine, but can SJWs be next?............................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, of course white males have done some awful things. But, so, too, have black males (Shaka Zulu and his brother, Dingane, having slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Africans), Asian males (from Genghis Khan to Mao), Arab males (from the Moors to the Turks to al Qaeda), etc., and if you're gonna try and tell me that Hillary will be different do I need to remind you that this slant supported the bombing of Serbia to rubble and the Iraq War, and that it was her who destroyed and destabilized Libya, sent weapons to Syria that ultimately ended up in the hands of terrorists, helped to overthrow the legitimate government in Ukraine, and who's now threatening Syria and Russia with a no-fly zone that could quite conceivable turn into WW3, think again, folks,.

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