Thursday, November 17, 2016

Note to Samantha Bee

You stupid bitch. You stupid, stupid bitch. Yes, Trump is a douche-bag and, yes, he's said some sexist things (though, to be fair, Rosie O'Donnell did threw the first salvo in their little spat) but your candidate, your goddess, Mrs. Clinton a) took copious amounts of money from Qatar and Saudi Arabia, two of the most misogynistic countries on the planet and still won't criticize them, b) denigrated the women who her husband has been accused of sexually assaulting and having affairs with (calling them "trailer trash" and other such insults), c) defended a child-rapist and did so in a manner that was so loathsome (essentially putting the youngster on trial) that it wouldn't have been allowed with today's rape-shield laws, d) wants to normalize relations with Cuba, a renegade country that has imprisoned and tortured THOUSANDS of women just for having a different political view, e) supported the sanctions in Iraq, a policy that caused the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, f) has threatened Iran with a nuclear attack, and g) has royally (along with her philandering husband) fucked up (via graft and cronyism) the Haitian rebuilding process to the tune of thousands of women and children starving to death...............................................................................................................Look, if you want to support Hillary as the lesser of two evils, that's fine. Just don't give me a bunch of bullshit about Hillary being some great supporter of woman 'cause she isn't.  

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