Sunday, November 27, 2016

Note to Carlos Santana

While I appreciate your guitar-work, the Che Guevara hero-worshiping, yeah, not so much. a) The guy was a murderous bastard who played a crucial role in the firing-squad deaths of 16,000 political prisoners (none of whom received a trial). b) He oversaw a prison system in which both men and women were routinely and hideously tortured (and, no, we aren't talking water-boarding here, either). c) He had zero respect for civil liberties and helped to create what was essentially a police state and gulag system. And d) he was a genocidal madman whose ultimate goal was to nuke the U.S..................................................................................................Look, I get it, it's cool in your little clique to dig Che and you're probably not the most learned man in the hemisphere but, dude, COME ON, there's gotta be some sort of limit as to how far left that you clowns are willing to take this shit. There's gotta be..................................................................................................P.S. My source for the 16,000 deaths is the Black Book of Communism and my source for this asshole wanting to nuke the U.S. is Che himself; "If the missiles (from the Cuban missile crisis) had remained, we would have used them against the very heart of the U.S., including New York. We must never establish peaceful coexistence. In this struggle to the death between two systems we must gain the ultimate victory. We must walk the path of liberation even if it costs MILLIONS OF ATOMIC VICTIMS (emphasis mine)."......So, ya' still gonna wear that fucking t-shirt, amigo?

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