Monday, October 31, 2016

On the Fact that Rachel Maddow Is Conjuring up All Sorts of Conspiracy Crap About F.B.I. Director, James Comey, Reopening the Clinton Email Investigation

Investigations are open, closed, and reopened ALL THE TIME, and the fact that this partisan asshat isn't aware of this proves to me that not only is this chick delusional, she's an ignoramus as well.....................................................................................................P.S. And, besides, Comey didn't really have a choice in that if he had sat on this new evidence until after the election it would have influenced the outcome in the opposite direction and he would have been seen as a hack for that (not to mention the fact that the dude would have probably faced an insurrection at the Bureau similar to the one that Nixon faced from his own D.O.J. back in '74). He couldn't win, in other words.

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