Wednesday, September 21, 2016

On the Likelihood that the Banning of DDT Was the Greatest Man-Made Disaster Ever (the Fact that this Act Unquestionably Caused the Deaths of Millions of Poor People World-Wide - a Figure Based on the Number of Lives that the Substance Had Saved Prior to its Banning - with the Hard-Core Environmental Lobby and U.S. Federal Government with William Ruckelshaus as the EPA Director Leading the Way)

And not one single person paid a price for this EVER. Unbelievable.................................................................................................P.S. And as for the leftist line that some mosquitoes had developed a tolerance to DDT and so what's the big deal, they fail to mention that DDT is also a repellent and that a simple wall-spraying twice a year would have been sufficient to keep most mosquitoes away....Yeah, just a small omission. 

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