Saturday, September 24, 2016

On the Heroic British Defense of Rorke's Drift (Depicted in the Epic 1964 Movie, "Zulu") at the Beginning of the Anglo-Zulu War (Which the Brits Started, FYI) Circa 1879

It was actually one of the few valiant episodes in what was clearly a piece of shit imperial conflict (the fact that the British did virtually everything possible to provoke the Zulus in an effort to destroy their army permanently; the making of ridiculous ultimatums, for example)....And don't you just love the way that these Anglophiles try to focus primarily on this and all but ignore the absolutely crushing and humiliating defeat six days earlier at the Battle of Isandhlwana in which the British lost 1,400 men (most of whom were horribly mutilated after death)? I mean, talk about putting a good face on shit..........................................................................................................P.S. It also should be pointed out that the British tried desperately to get the Boers to join them in this war against the Zulus and that the Boers almost to a man refused (they considered it an "unrighteous war")....You know, just in case you wanted to put every white African in the same basket. 

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