Saturday, September 17, 2016

On the Fact that Donald Trump Wants to Spend Billions More on Defense, Billions More on Infrastructure, Institute Protectionism, Develop a Universal Healthcare System (Obamacare Lite I'm guessing), and Create Out of Whole Cloth a Brand New Entitlement (Pertaining to Childcare)

Maybe I'm missing something here but what part of this platform is conservative?...'Cause I'm not seeing it....................................................................................................P.S. And, please don't say the military part in that that little fetish of the right is a relatively recent phenomenon (beginning with Reagan) and has nothing to do with the original conservatism of Russell Kirk, Robert Taft, etc. (this, though I do give Trump some credit for not spouting neocon rubbish 24/7 and still think that the fellow is far less dangerous than say a Chris Christie or a Rudy Giuliani).

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