Sunday, September 11, 2016

On the Fact that (According to John Bird's, "Annals of Natal, Volume 1") 93% of the Forces Who Attacked the Monstrous Dingane in January of 1840 (Deposing Him Permanently) Were Zulu Defectors and Swazi Warriors Led by the Honorable Chiefs, Sobhuza, Mpande, Matuwane, and Jobe

Proof positive that this wasn't a racial thing. The harsh reality is that Dingane was one of the greatest villains of the 19th Century and no one should shed even a single tear that he was ultimately destroyed. NO ONE...................................................................................................P.S. It should also be pointed out that once Dingane was deposed and Mpande became the new Zulu leader, the Zulu and the Afrikaner lived in peace (respecting each other's borders) for multiple decades and BOTH were hounded continuously by the Brits. More untold history.

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