Saturday, September 3, 2016

On the Constant Demonization of an Industry (the Fossil Fuel Industry) that Has Literally Made Modern Life a Possibility

What these progressive morons like Tao, Octopus, Flying Junior, and Shaw fail to grasp here is that if it wasn't for the discovery and utilization of cheap and abundant fossil fuels, we would all still be destroying forests en masse, choking on the smoke from wood stoves, shoveling horse-shit 24/7/365, killing whales to the point of extinction, and perishing at age 40. I mean, I know that they think that mankind has been a scourge on the environment and that the idyllic life is the better life (this while they utilize every invention/convenience known to man - they apparently think that cell-phones and lap-tops just fall out of the sky) but I ain't goin' back and that, folks, I consider true progress...............................................................................................P.S. And, no, I'm not in favor of subsidizing the fossil fuel industry because, unlike the progressives, I'm opposed to ALL cronyism, favoritism, etc..

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