Thursday, September 22, 2016

On Bono Saying that Donald Trump Is Potentially the Worst American "Idea" of All Time

Really? Worse than slavery, worse than the Trail of Tears, worse than Sherman's march through South Carolina and Georgia, worse than our occupation of the Philippines, worse than our involvement in WW1 (a war between European imperial powers), worse than the internment of Japanese-Americans in WW2 (the ghoulish FDR even sending thugs down to South America and kidnapping Japanese citizens of those nations), worse than Jim Crow, worse than sending 500,000 American troops to Vietnam, worse than the Iraq War, worse than the cancelling of Arrested Development (sorry, had to break the tension), etc.? Wow, this Trump guy must really be awful.........................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, this is coming from a guy who runs a charity that in 2008 only used about 1.3% of the millions that it received in donations to, you know, ACTUALLY HELP FOLKS - - so consider the source.

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