Monday, August 29, 2016

On Colin Kaepernick (49er QB) Not Standing for the National Anthem

I could care less what the guy does. But being that a) his black father tossed him aside like a soiled piece of toilet-paper (and seemingly STILL wants nothing to do with him), b) his white step-parents treated him with extraordinary kindness, c) the fellow is sitting on a $60,000,000 guaranteed contract (this despite the fact that his game has tanked), d) a black person in this country is 27 times more likely (if you norm for population) to violently attack a white individual than vice-versa, e) no hard evidence exists that the criminal justice system is racist (, and f) a police officer is actually slightly more likely to shoot a white suspect (if you control for criminality) than a black one, it's pretty clear that the guy is full of bullshit and should in fact be called on it. Sorry but yeah...........................................................................................P.S. It's probably also fair to underscore that this same half-black dude got fined by the NFL for calling an all-black dude a nigger. How rich is that?

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