Sunday, July 3, 2016

On the Fact that the Sanders/Warren/Pelosi at-the Barrel-of-a-Gun and Hands-In-Your Pocket Collectivist Plan Is Little More than Reducing Everything to the Lowest Common Denominator of Fascistic and Hackneyed Leftist Hysteria with Little to No Concern Relative to the Unintended Consequences of it

 Jefferson and Madison warned us that this would happen and, while, yes, we certainly listened for a century or so (most folks not trusting the federal government; the waste that they saw with railroads, canals, etc.), how rapidly we've forgotten (the fact that a clown like Sanders could gain so much traction while spewing forth such rank idiocy as draconian taxation, everything for free, regulations up the poop-shoot, minimize-wage BS, etc.).....................................................................................................P.S. Another person who warned us was Erich Fromm in his book, "Escape from Freedom". I highly recommend that you read his stuff, too.

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