Wednesday, July 6, 2016

On the Fact that a Lot of Contemporary Historians (Prodded by Political Correctness) Have Tried to Portray the Early Conflicts Between Trek Afrikaners and the Ba'Ntu as Some Sort of Unfair and Unequal Struggle (the Fact that the Afrikaners Had Flint Muskets, I Guess)

Yeah, you try reloading a musket when you have thousands of battle-ready savages (triggered?) throwing poison-laced spears at you with Olympian caliber accuracy. It isn't easy, folks..........................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, these are the same bloodthirsty bastards that the amaRharhabe (another Ba'Ntu Sect) had petitioned the Afrikaners for assistance in putting down in that they were being targeted, too....Yeah, it's complicated for sure.

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